You have a business, let’s make a brand for you. Let’s make it shine.
Logo: Emerald Pool Service
Logo: Emerald Pool Service, serving St. George, Utah.
Logo: Alan’s Appliance Service
Logo: Alan’s Appliance Service. Now owned and operated by Josh Crandall, who is kind of a legend for fixing things around here.
Logo: Gemma Pest Control
Logo: Gemma Pest Control, for Ryan Palmquist. This version was not the final, but it was my favorite.
Logo: Taylor Allergy & Chiropractic
Logo: Taylor Allergy & Chiropractic. Russell Taylor is one of the best chiropractors I know, with a solid understanding of physiology.
Logo: Spillman & Crane Financial Services
Logo: Spillman & Crane Financial Services. These guys are on top of their book-keeping game.
Logo: Legend Masters
Logo: Legend Masters, for incredible on-demand apparel for YOUR company, we make it at
Logo: Ignite
Logo: Ignite. This was going to be used for an energy drink, but that never came to fruition. A church youth group reached out to me to ask if they could use it, but they didn’t want to pay.
Logo: Vedya Ravi Kaur
Logo: Vedya Ravi Kaur. She’s certified in Kundalini Yoga, and teaches classes with her fuzzy bunnies, and cuddling them is just the perfect way to wrap up a class.
Logo: Light Bender Neon
Logo: Light Bender Neon, for Ron Larson. He makes and repairs neon signs, and is also one of the most impressive fine artists for landscapes I’ve seen.
Logo: Vance Automotive
Logo: Vance Automotive. Doug Vance kept my bungling Kia Sorento on the road for years after it should have been scrapped. He understands the power of percussive maintenance, and is just expert at all things mechanical.
Logo: Vance Automotive on background
Logo: Vance Automotive. Doug Vance kept my bungling Kia Sorento on the road for years after it should have been scrapped. He understands the power of percussive maintenance, and is just expert at all things mechanical.
Logo: VP Drilling
Logo: VP Drilling. Doug Vance, in addition to being able to fix your car, can drill you a well, QUITE well
Logo: Da Nang Deli
Logo: Da Nang Deli. The project direction was, “Make me a cute-as-crap pig”. I think I nailed this one.
Located in Southern Utah
Enjoying the mountains of Cedar City
Need an Excuse?
I love the iterative, collaborative process with my clients. I want to bring your ideas to life.
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