Magick: Rainbow Merkabah of Metatron
Magick: Rainbow Merkabah of Metatron. When printed, this becomes like a portable shrine. Mostly these marks operate as scintillating foci for consciousness, much like the complexity of Hindu temples produce.
Magick: Circling The Square of Metatron
Magick: Circling The Square of Metatron. When printed, this becomes like a portable shrine. Mostly these marks operate as scintillating foci for consciousness, much like the complexity of Hindu temples produce.
Illustration: Rahu
Illustration: Rahu. On election night in 2016, astrologers were raving that we were entering an era of mindless hunger, no matter who won. I found that inspirational. This illustration features the grasping disembodied head of Rahu.
Sigil: Key of Melchizedek
Sigil: Key of Melchizedek, which was engraved as well on my extraordinary cube artifacts.
Engraving: Rainbow Steel, All Seeing Eye
Engraved steel plate of All Seeing Eye, robust with ensconcing details, to place over doors as a ward
Engraving: Aluminum Prism All Seeing Eye
Engraved with high detail of the All Seeing Eye set upon a complex framework
Engraving: Gate 002, viewed outside
Engraved Brass: Gate 002, featuring a seed of life on a Sri Yantra on a lotus disk on a Kalachakra. As of this posting, this is on display at the Datura Gallery in the Kayenta Art Village. This piece is diamond-engraved on an 11″ octagon of brass.
Engraving: Key of Melchizedek
Engraving:: Key of Melchizedek. 3″ cubed, intricate details to augment this artifact.
Engraving: Key of Melchizedek, second view
Engraving: Key of Melchizedek. 3″ cubed, intricate details to augment this artifact.
Engraving: Prism in Process
Engraving: Prism in Process: Aluminum Prism: All Seeing Eye in the process of being born
Engraved Brass: Closeup of Gate 002
This piece is diamond-engraved on an 11″ octagon of brass. As of this posting, this piece is on display and is for sale at the Datura Gallery in the Kayenta Art Village.
Engraving: Gate 002 on brass
Engraved Brass: Gate 002, featuring a seed of life on a Sri Yantra on a lotus disk on a Kalachakra. As of this posting, this is on display at the Datura Gallery in the Kayenta Art Village. This piece is diamond-engraved on an 11″ octagon of brass.
Located in Southern Utah
Enjoying the mountains of Cedar City
Need an Excuse?
You and I will imagine up great things into reality, together. If you have a business; if you need a truly unusual gift, or are running for office, I’m your new secret weapon.
Summon Me